get involved as an employee
Using our social enterprises, we offer training and employment opportunities to people who are serving, or have served, a sentence in prison or in the community. Real training and real jobs, in real enterprises.
What we offer to people who join us as transitional employee:​​
part-time employment for up to twelve months
a reference and other support to help you find a follow-on job.​
For people who join us while still serving a sentence in prison, but are allowed to work in the community through day-release, we offer an opportunity to apply for a ‘Moving On’ grant to support you as you move from custody back into the community.​

Additional support:​
We offer these opportunities to help people to turn around their futures, so as well as the training and employment opportunities, we also provide:​​
help for you to make your own plans for your future​
a personal Coach to help you work towards achieving your goals​

What kind of plan?​
Everyone who works with us has different skills and experiences, different needs, and different hopes for their future. So each person’s plan will be different. Yours will be about you, made up by you, not anyone else. But we’ll encourage you to think about three things:​​
how you can help yourself;​
how you can help others within the community; and ​
how you can help others on their journey through, or out of, the justice system.
What are the jobs, and what are employees expected to do?​
At the moment we are offering grounds maintenance and commercial cleaning jobs in 'Outwork', our property maintenance enterprise; and bike maintenance jobs in 'Big Loop Bikes'. ​
Whatever the job, everyone employed in our transitional employment programme commits to:​
Turning up for training, work, meetings with their Coach, and other activities​
Working within Turnaround’s policies for trainees, employees and volunteers​
Sticking to any relevant Prison Service and/or Probation Board rules while on the programme.​
Making with their Coach to make plans for their future​
Engaging in all parts of the Turnaround programme, including having open and honest conversations about things that have not worked in the past and areas of their lives where they need to make changes.
Who can apply?​
Anyone who is serving, or has served, a sentence in prison or in the community is welcome to apply for a place in our training and employment programme. ​
You should think about:​
Will you be able to work at least two days each week?​
Will you be able to get to work in Belfast city centre by 8 o’clock in the morning?​
What kind of work are you willing to do?
How can I find out more, or apply to get involved as an employee?​
If you would like to know more about working with us, or to talk to us about applying, you can email us at info@theturnaroundproject.org, ring us on 028 9064 1604, or fill out this form and we will get in touch with you.