Change the
Our vision is a community where everyone has hope and opportunity.
We are working to find new ways of enabling and supporting people to make the transition out of the system and to turn around their futures; new ways of encouraging the wider community to see the links between criminal justice issues and social justice issues; and new ways of working together as people who have, and haven’t served sentences, to find new solutions to old challenges. ​
So, whether you are looking for new opportunities for yourself, or want to be part of giving hope and opportunities to others, there are plenty of ways you can get involved in the Turnaround Project.

I needed a new start when
I got released. Outwork gave me a chance to earn money and learn new skills.
Outwork Crew member
get involved as an employee...
For many people leaving the justice system it can be difficult to find and sustain employment.
To help tackle those barriers to employment we offer training and employment opportunities in our social enterprises. The opportunities are part-time, and are available before and after people complete their sentences, and our approach is all about helping people to turn around their futures.
We do this by offering each employee:
help to make their own plan for their future
a personal Coach to help them work towards achieving their goal
- part-time employment in a real enterprise for up to 12 months
a reference and other support to help them find a follow-on job
get involved as a volunteer...
There are many ways that you can volunteer with The Turnaround Project.​
​We are always looking for volunteers with skills or experiences to share with others, and a desire to learn about other people’s journeys.​
We need people with hands-on and business skills to help develop our enterprises; communicators to help tell the stories that will inspire others to become involved; drivers to help people get to work; and people with admin and organisational skills to help us be a high-achieving organisation.​
You might want to volunteer alongside our Outwork Crews, help out in the office or our Big Loop Bikes workshop. Or you might have your own ideas about how you could use your skills and experiences to help other people.​
Whatever you think you might be able to bring to the Turnaround Project – your ideas, experience, skills or enthusiasm – we invite you to join us as we work together to turn futures around.

This charity offers hope and the chance of new beginnings. Being a part of that is so exciting!

Allen & Overy is pleased to support Turnaround as part of its commitment to increasing access to employment within Northern Ireland
Simon Wagstaff
A&O Global Head Tech Services
get involved as a partner...
We have developed strong partnerships with local universities and businesses, providing opportunities for their people to use their skills in developing our work.
And financial support from corporate and charitable organisations have allowed us to grow from an idea into an organisation that is making real differences to people’s futures.​
If you are a business or funder looking for ways that you can use what you have to make a difference, we would love to start a conversation with you. ​
Could you provide some conventional work experience for one of our employees, host a visit to your workplace to allow someone to see what a different future might look like, or even offer employment?​
Are you looking for a new opportunity to give financial support to an organisation with a different approach?​
Or do your staff have skills that could help the people we are working with, or our organisation itself, grow and flourish?
get involved as a customer...
Social enterprises like Outwork don’t just offer you financial value for your spend, but social value too.​
Contracting one of our hard-working Outwork crews will:​
ensure your grounds are maintained, or property is cleaned, to a high standard​
help us provide much needed opportunities for people who face barriers to accessing the conventional employment market​
allow your organisation to demonstrate its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility​

It’s great that using Outwork makes a difference to others as well as ensuring our sites are well looked after.
Cameron Watt,
CEO, Alpha Housing Association